Canadian Jobs Jump by 33,000 in British Columbia

The unemployment rate fell to the lowest in over a decade, and Canadian employment was on the rise in British Columbia. Statistics Canada said B.C. had added 33,000 positions in September 2018, and 26,000 of them were full-time jobs. Gains were seen in both goods-producing and service sectors, with an increase in accommodation and food services, and manufacturing. There was also additional health care, transportation, and agriculture jobs. Marton Lovei, an analyst for Statistics Canada, said there were increases across the board. He noted the only field experiencing a decline was business and building. If you are looking for a job to benefit you and your family, no matter where it is located, contact Jobs Across the World. They can match your resume with the perfect position.

The unemployment rate in B.C. dropped to 4.2 percent, which is the lowest since June 2008. Metro Vancouver’s unemployment rate fell slightly reaching 4.5 percent. The first half of the year had job losses, so the newest report shows recovery is happening, according to Lovei. Statistics Canada said nationally the Canadian job market increased by 63,000 jobs, moving the unemployment rate to 5.9 percent which offsets the job losses in August. September saw part-time jobs in Canada increase by almost 80,000 positions, an increase of 55,000 over the predicted amount by analysts. If you will consider relocating for a job opportunity, Jobs Across the World is right for you. They can match your skill set with a job opening. It does not matter where you currently live or where the job is located.

The unemployment rate in the United States dropped more than was expected to 3.7 percent in September 2018. Analysts predicted there would be 185,000 new U.S. jobs created, when in fact there were only 134,000 positions added. On a year-over-year analysis, Canada gained 222,000 positions since 2017. Statistics Canada reported the Canadian international merchandise trade balance improved in August 2018, showing a surplus for the first time since 2016. Jobs Across the World has a team of professional career development experts who are trained to help you get hired for the job you have been desiring. Contact them today!