There Are Now More Jobs in the USA Than Workers to Fill Them

The United States is experiencing a time when there are more jobs available than workers to fill the positions. There is more than one job available for every unemployed person, which is a drastic change from the Great Recession when there was one job opening for every six people. In September 2018, unemployment reached a low of 3.7 percent, the lowest percentage since 1969. Contact Jobs Across the World and let their team of professionals help you find the best job opportunity for you, no matter where it is located. Employers have access to your resume and can match your skill set with a position they have available.

President Donald Trump celebrated the labor market by tweeting, “Incredible number just out, 7,036,000 job openings. Astonishing-it’s all working!” His typo actually showed 100,000 less than the actual number released by the Labor Department. There is greater opportunity for a job and better wages than ever in the United States. Jobs Across the World will help you find the job position you have worked hard for and so deserve.