U.S. Employment Numbers Are Too Good to Put into Words

There are not enough words to describe how good the labor market actually is doing in the United States. “Excellent” and “splendid” fit the bill when searching for “good” in a thesaurus. Despite being nine years into an expansion, the U.S. economy still added 223,000 new jobs in one month, and the unemployment rate fell to 3.8 percent, which is a new 18-year-low. There has been a 0.3 percent rise in average wages, which is an increase of 2.7 percent over one year ago. Jobs Across the World has a simple process for those seeking a job. They match your resume with open positions all around the globe and keep you updated on new jobs that match your skill set. Their team of career development experts is dedicated to helping you get the job you want and deserve.

The African-American jobless rate dropped to 5.9 percent, which is the lowest ever on record. The adult population in America who are employed rose to 60.4 percent, which only matches a recent high of earlier months. United States employers are creating more jobs in the USA, which in turn is leading people to work and fewer to remain unemployed, and this leads to a rise in wages. No one can deny that the economy is in sound shape and showing no signs or the slightest symptoms of a recession. The durable and steady expansion, after the 2008 recession, is just excellent. Submit your resume to Jobs Across the World and find the perfect opportunity for you no matter where it is located.